Merci d'être venu dans mon éspace du site !
Tu as besoin de faire des changements dans ta vie?
Are ther repetitive pattern or events in the past,
Is your body suffering since a long time with no improvement?
What i can do for you ...
based on my 20 year experience in processwork and shamanic ceremonies, i will listen and help you understand, what your spirit communicates. I will ask specific questions to take you to the root of the issue which is blocking your energy. Using spirit-coaching we will follow the path of your upcoming emotions and transform the issue into the gift it carries within.
I discovered and refined my gift 20 years ago, first in a sweat lodge, which changed my life - and while learning doing ceremony I integrated part of the knowledge into my processwork-skills along with several trainings, amongst others in holographic kinetics. A technique which is based on comunicating with your inner essence which we call "spirit".
No worries, all my sessions are in full consciousness and my clients actively bring the change about through their decisions and actions. I am only the channel and the guide.
What you can do...
-Meet me to resolve your issues
-heal yourself by going though the emotional obstacles which prevent you from being the happy person you know is waiting to be freed
-if you are happy with my work, pass it on to your friends and family
-tell me what can be improved
-write your testimonial for me
-you can help more people benefit, by supporting my work with your money - it will allow me to do what i love dedicating more time to this passion
A session currently costs € 174.- our first meeting is free of charge
When you open a wound, it can intially be a bit painful, but as my children used to say: "it's a good pain" . It is the kind of pain that precedes healing.
Questions? Feel free to contact me
Urs, I've seen you guide people through growth processes.
In my eyes you are born for this wonderful work.
I am a therapist myself and have already experienced many forms of therapy. Rarely has anything convinced me more than your work. I would trust you with my children at any time.
A person will not be the same after your work.
My son, for example, understood during the process work that he is actually man enough and no longer needs his "drugs" (cigarettes, alcohol and cannabis). After your treatment he threw his cigarettes into the fire and since then lives "drug-free".
He has gone through a first-class growth process and has truly matured from child to man.
Last weekend he sat at the table with us and talked to us, the mobile phone stayed in his pocket the whole time! Today needs miracles like this.
Thank you.
Beatrix E. CH
Workshop Antar foundation with troubled children
There are some folks who think we’re crazy to take a dozen troubled kids from Amsterdam all the way to Onsernone to spend just four days there, as we’ve been doing for the past 10 years, twice a year.
There are a great many good reasons why we do so, and one of them is Urs.
Urs is interested in everything within us and everything surrounding us. This genuine interest makes him a modest person, respectful to everything and everyone.
No matter how ‘weird’ or mad a child behaves, Urs responds with dignity to both the child and himself. Children recognize integrity, which gives him natural authority.
Most of the children on our camps grow up without fathers, they are physically and/or emotionally absent. Also, there is a general lack of male role models nowadays. For both boys and girls it’s so important to interact with a man who knows male honor and care. Urs knows what being a man is about.
Urs is a master in using the situation at hand or the material available to invite the children to experience something about themselves, others and the world around them.
Our children love to spend time with him, because it’s fun, it’s exciting and it adds real value to their lives. We’re grateful that we can offer our children this opportunity.
So as a foundation dedicated to the true, authentic wellbeing of children - troubled and deprived children in specific - we recommend every school, club or youth care organization to let their children spend time with this special man.
The Antar Foundation, ‘a home for children’
Amsterdam, March 2020
The treatment was profound and brought light into the darkness.
Many of my problems or recurring unpleasant situations were illuminated and solved.
Thank you Urs for accompanying me through part of my blockages.
K.F. Switzerland
Dear Urs, I don't know how to thank you for the last session. But i want you to know: without the treatment you gave me a few weeks ago,
I would be dead by now
Gerda CH